Comedian Felix Odiwour aka Jalang’o on Saturday wedded his long-term girlfriend Amina Chao in a lavish, maroon-themed, traditional ceremony.
“Thanks for understanding me with my nonsense, being there for me, appreciating me. I love you so much,” Jalang’o said.
Amina, who comes from Mombasa County, is an alumnus of USIU-Africa and currently works for Safaricom Limited.
While her husband is popular not only on the airwaves but also on social media, Amina has almost no presence online.
The couple, who have reportedly dated for a few years now, were clad in traditional attire, with Jalang’o’s maroon outfit beautifully contrasting Amina’s pink gown.
The ceremony which took place in Syokimau, had various celebrities in attendance including Jalang’o’s cohost Alex Mwakideu, Standard Group Head of Radio Tom Japani, Big Ted, Pastor Robert Burale and Chris Kirwa.
Congratulations to the lovely couple!
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