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Woman loses 69 Kg's after lover told her she was too fat to date



A woman has lost more than 69 Kg after a man she met on a dating website told her that she was too fat to go out with.

Janet Curry, 38, from Witney, Oxford, was left humiliated when her date said her size 30 figure was more than he could handle.

At 140 Kg, the professional makeup artist had spent years overeating, but the cruel comment gave her the push she needed to finally do something about her size.

Janet now weighs a svelte 69 Kg and says she has never been happier with her size 12 figure.

"I'd always been big, and over the years my weight had spiraled out of control to a point where I barely recognized myself," she said.

"After going through a painful divorce, I was keen to find love again, so joining Plenty of Fish was a big step for me.

"When my date admitted that I was just too large for him to go out with, it made me realize that I was putting both my health and my future happiness at risk."

Mum-of-one Janet had spent most of her adult life struggling with her weight. When she married her ex-husband Neil, 38, in 2004, she was 18st and a size 24.

But after experiencing two devastating miscarriages and developing a painful digestive disorder called Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction, her weight soared to a dangerous 22.5st.

Forced to give up her job as a retail operations manager because of her ill health, Janet began gorging on chocolate sponge puddings, brioche and family-sized bars of chocolate.

Her size also left her too tired to play with her eight-year-old son, Joseph.

Janet said: "I felt like a failure. And I felt even worse when Joseph came home from school one day and told me that one of the children in his class had said that my bottom was the size of a planet. I was absolutely mortified.

"My confidence was at an all-time low, and my relationship with Neil was suffering too. He'd never said anything about my weight, but over time we had drifted apart."

In a bid to save her marriage, Janet lost an impressive 25Kg and slimmed down to a size 20. But the pressures of her illness and her tragic miscarriages proved too much, and the couple split amicably in June 2012.

Two months later, Janet felt ready to move on and joined online dating website, Plenty of Fish.

Embarrassed about her size, she cropped her profile picture so that it only revealed her face.

With the compliments of 'stunning' and 'beautiful' rolling in, Janet felt a new lease of confidence and accepted several date offers.

But when she met up with her dates in person, it was a different story.

Janet said: "We'd arrange to meet for a coffee, and everything would be fine. But as soon as I walked into the cafe, their eyes would widen in shock when they realized how big I was.

"It was so humiliating. I could tell that they couldn't wait to leave, and then of course I never heard from them again.

"One guy told me that I was just too big for him to date, whilst another said he only went for 'smaller' girls. I know they were just being honest, but it was really hurtful."

Humiliated: Janet says she was embarrassed by the comments online 

Determined to continue to lose weight and transform her body, Janet threw away all of the junk food from her cupboards and bought a hypnosis book and CD.

In just five months, after eating three balanced meals a day and plenty of fruit and vegetables, Janet lost an impressive three stone. Better still, she has found love with car transporter driver, Paul Johnson, 45.

Janet said: "Losing weight has completely changed my life, and I feel so much better about myself.

"I'm a firm believer that beauty comes from the inside, but changing myself on the outside has made me a better person. I am healthier and more confident, and I know I'm setting a good example for my son.

"Paul is always telling me how beautiful he thinks I am and for the first time in my life, I actually feel it."



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