In adulthood, the quality of perseverance is a necessity. We move from being taken care of by our parents in our childhood to a world where we have to experience and overcome different challenges on our own.
As we go through this journey of life, most of us end up juggling different roles like parenting, work and side hustles all at the same time. And the inevitable consequence of trying to be superhuman is burnout.
Burnout is the result of prolonged stress, which, if left unchecked, can lead to illness and mental breakdown. Prevention is always better than cure, and here are some ways to keep it at bay. Read on:
Be realistic about your limitsIt's often true that we are capable of handling more pressure than we think. However, recognizing our personal limits is just as essential.
You might think that you will be able to balance both a full-time job and a demanding side hustle all while managing to maintain a thriving marriage and social life but, will you really?
This is something you need to think through and find ways to restructure your daily to-do list in a way that's more realistic. Remember, you only have 24 hours a day.
Be aware of your warning signsEvery breakdown comes with its warning signs. For burnout you might notice that you're getting more irritable, you're procrastinating more or that you're struggling to focus.
You need to have self-awareness to notice some of the changes in yourself that signal it's time to slow down or take a break.
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Daily self-care is an effective maintenance strategy. You don't have to wait until you have a full weekend to give yourself the attention you need, because even 15 minutes a day can make a difference.
Self-care for you can be doing a short workout, stretching in the evening or journaling. Find something that works for you and try your best not to compromise with your self-care time.
Delegate what you canWearing too many hats is always a recipe for burnout. We're constantly pressured to hustle and grind throughout but no one wants to talk about the mental and physical breakdowns that come with that.
A better way to balance is delegating some tasks that you don't have to do yourself. This will reduce the workload for you and prevent burnout.
Work with clear goalsThere will be times when you won't be able to simply take a break or go on leave. During these moments you need to be extra tough while you practice your daily self-care maintenance.
Also, one thing that will give you a boost is remembering your main goal. Having clear goals along the way will keep you centred and make it all feel worth it.
One day when you finally achieve something you've been working on, like completing your master's for example, you will be glad that you didn't quit and let go of that vision.