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Raila: Whoever leaves, ODM remains strong

Between The Sheets


Prime Minister Raila Odinga gave a clear indication he was ready to let his deputy Musalia Mudavadi go.

Raila said it was within Mr Mudavadi’s democratic right to join a party of his choice.

Speaking on Sunday at Mombasa Sports Club in Mombasa during the wedding of former commissioner with the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights Hassan Omar, Raila appeared to have lost hope on Mudavadi, but insisted ODM would remain strong even after his departure.

"Whoever wants to move out of ODM should do so because the party is not a prison where people are confined. We are not worried because the party is growing stronger," Raila declared.

Omar married Ms Asli Osman Mahmoud in function marked with political overtones. Present were Cabinet ministers James Orengo and Dan Mwazo, Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim, Assistant minister Hassan Joho, Msambweni MP Omar Zonga, several ambassadors and businessmen.

No endorsement

Raila dismissed leaders fronting tribal groupings such as Gema and Kamatusa, claiming there was a scheme to ensure the presidency rotates among certain communities.

The party leader also declraed he would not endorse anybody for a seat. "Aspiring candidates should go to the people and seek their endorsement in a democratic process," he said.

Raila said this after he announced that Omar was seeking a political position in Mombasa County. Omar has joined the race for Mombasa county senator. He is expected to face it out with Changamwe MP Ramadhan Kajembe and Mvita MP Najib Balala.

Raila also dismissed claims he had become an enemy of the Muslim community after sacking Mr Balala as Tourism minister. "I worked with Muslim leaders in fighting for human rights and our friendship will remain steadfast," he said.

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