Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a staunch feminist so much so that one would not expect her to consider marriage. What some of her fans may not know is that she is married to a medical doctor, Ivara Esege. It takes a great deal of confidence and self-assurance to be married to a globally admired writer and feminist, and that is why we’re nominating Ivara Esege as this week’s Man Crush Monday.
Dr. Esege was born and raised in Nigeria and graduated with a degree in Medicine in 1989 from the University of Nigeria (UNN). He then pursued a post-graduate degree at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) and completed it in 1995.

The physician married the award-winning author in 2009 and they have a daughter, another well-kept secret. Ivara supported his wife after child-birth by staying home to take care of their daughter for six months before splitting the babysitting routine 50/50 throughout the week.
Ivara Esege is supportive of his wife’s advocacy for gender equality and, for that, we applaud him.