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How to say bye to the bad guy

 How to say bye to the bad guy (Photo: iStock)

Hi Chris,

Every new man I meet seems nice at first, but somehow I always end up getting hurt. Why are there so many bad guys out there, and why are they picking on me?

Am I Just Gullible? 

Chris says, 

Hi, Am I Just Gullible?!

No, you’re not. It’s just that there are a lot of rogues out there! And they are always chasing after every pretty girl they meet. So to avoid getting hurt, you need to focus on spotting these time-wasters and getting them out of your life as quickly as possible!

So watch out for any kind of flaky behaviour. Like if he’s dishonest, always late, or in any way strange. Strange behaviour is an early sign of personality issues, anger and abuse.

Some men are just out to use you and avoid emotional intimacy. He’ll promise the world to get you naked, but will always leave you in the end. So dump anyone who starts pressuring you to have sex before you’re ready, or who gets manipulative if you say no.

Some guys just want a trophy to show their friends. Some just love chasing a girl but are already looking for their next conquest the moment they’ve got you.

Some guys become controlling. Restricting where you can go and trying to stop you from seeing your friends and your family. To begin with, it feels wonderful that he’s so ‘protective.’ But slowly, day by day, you’re losing your soul.

Some are financially unstable and just want you to take care of them. Instead of looking for a partner to share a life full of achievement, he’s looking for someone to finance him. So if your new man’s career doesn’t seem to make sense, and somehow you always seem to end up paying for dinner, or lending him money, then you need to say goodbye.

So don’t feel any doubts about getting rid of these pests. It’s an important life skill. And once you’ve acquired it, you’ll never be hurt again.

All the best,


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