A good hardworking chap, even one with an ugly pot belly, fancies himself to be wonderfully athletic between the sheets. And if too much cholesterol has interfered with the blood supply down south, he will make the walk of shame to the nearest pharmacy to get the magical blue pill. Trust a man to wade through a storm on his way to the counter.
And isn’t this the situation with the Kenyan gentry? “A man has to do what a man has to do,” they’ll say, at the prospect of high-voltage romps. Viagra worked. It still does. It is only until now that women too have a real chance of medicating low sexual libido. In 2015, America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the equivalent of Kenya’s Drugs and Poisons board, passed an approval for Flibanserin, hailed internationally as women’s equivalent to Viagra. Women will be free to get prescription. That means, for women who have had trouble getting into the mood, bliss will only be a pill away.
Imagine this: When John, suffering from erectile dysfunction, arrives home to his wife Jane, she too seems quite disinterested getting down to business. They both head to the medicine cabinet, smiling sheepishly, and popping bottles in preparation for a bout of, er, uninterrupted coitus. Don’t you just love science?
In men, says Dr Stephen Mutiso, a gynaecologist at Kenyatta National Hospital, Viagra works by unblocking blood flow. This causes penile tissue to swell. “When a man takes Viagra, there is an increase in blood flow to the genital areas, which thus helps to treat erectile dysfunction,” he says. “The condition is common with men suffering from lifestyle conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.” In Mutiso’s opinion though, healthy people only need “the right frame of mind” to get their libido up, ready for action. This, he says, applies to both men and women.
While testifying to an FDA panel, Dr Lauren Streicher, an American specialist, said that ‘libido cocktail’ has lots of different components. “This has to do with relationships, with psychology, with hormones, and with these all-important neurotransmitters,” she is quoted by the Huffington Post.
Which brings us to the crux of the matter: would women really need Flibanserin? “If my man treats me right and makes me feel loved, the doctors may actually harvest the Viagra from me,” commented a female friend. “If my man knows how to entice me then sex is the last thing he would be worried about.”
Clap! Clap! But is this the situation with all women?
“Not at all,” interjects Wandia Maina, a psychologist at Phoenix Training Solutions in Nairobi. She adds: “It is true that with the right frame of mind; when she has no qualms against her man; when the relationship is not strained and love is mutual, a woman may easily get her libido rolling. However, there are unique cases like where the male partner in the relationship has higher sex drive compared to the woman. There may also be a disease affecting the reproductive system. The female Viagra, in such a situation, may be of help.”
According to Mutiso, healthy people, who eat well and exercise as recommended wouldn’t need Viagra.
For Maina, alcoholism, modern ways that have seen women get as busy as men, and poor lifestyle choices are to be blamed for bedroom troubles couples may be experiencing.
But at least men and women now have a choice. Only that you shouldn’t hurry to the pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, says Mutiso.