Hi Chris,
I’m quite disorganised in the evenings and it affects my sleep and my partner’s sleep. And how well we both work the next day. Do you have any suggestions on how I can improve?
Poor Sleep
Chris says,
Hi, Poor Sleep!
Most of us give little thought to how we end our evenings, but a good bedtime routine can have a real impact on your sleep and your mood the next day.
Start by deciding what time you need to get up in the morning, work out from experience how many hours of sleep you need, and work out your bedtime from that. Stick to this time every night and create a relaxed and consistent bedtime routine, as both are more likely to ensure a good night’s sleep.
Spend some time reading in the evening, as this will make you more creative and passionate about your whole life. You can read anything you like, from the news to novels, science or philosophy.
- How to handle parenting in a changing world
- Parenting tips as a single father
- Dangers of having a favourite child
- Don't let confusing parenting advice scare you
Keep Reading
Before you go to bed, reflect on your day, especially what went well, so you can fall asleep in a positive mood.
Make to-do lists for the following day, so that you don’t spend the night worrying that you’ve forgotten something important.
Disconnect from work during the evening and make a conscious decision to spend time with your partner instead. Give yourself a buffer between the time you read your last email, took your last phone call, made your last posts and the time you go to bed.
Successful couples always go to bed together, at the same time, and spend the last half hour or so before bedtime reconnecting and snacking together. So make it a habit! Make a conscious effort to cuddle together as you go to sleep so that you feel close and happy as you fall asleep.
Use the last few minutes before you fall asleep to quiet your mind. Avoid repeating negative things from work and instead, make it a habit to repeat a prayer or replay a familiar daydream.
You’ll sleep well and wake up ready for the day ahead.
All the best,