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Girl talk: How to avoid getting into a situationship


Dating has become a gamble for many in the 21st century. Things tend to move too fast, and people seem to have settled on moving on with the waves.

Situationships have become the new cool thing although they are normally mistaken for relationships. Situationships are more about convenience whereas relationships are built on genuine mutual feelings.

Many girls find themselves stuck in situationships with the hope that the guy will eventually grow feelings for them. Unfortunately, this is something that hardly happens.

Before you get intimate with a guy and end up getting hurt, try to establish if both of you want the same thing. No matter how charming he may be, avoid falling into the trap of a situationship. See beyond the glitter making it look like a relationship.

These tips can help you work towards not being in a situationship.

Decide on what kind of relationship you want

Understand what your values are and try not to change for anything or anyone. Think of the kind of relationship you want. Do you want a long term relationship with the potential of marriage or you just want to have fun? Once you have figured out what you want, avoid situations where you will have a blurry vision of what your future with your partner looks like.

Ask yourself what kind of qualities you are looking for in a partner, what values you want them to have and what expectations you have for the relationship. If the person you are with does not meet the threshold for the things you want, it is prudent that you move on. This is a sure way to avoid getting into a potentially heartbreaking situation.


Understand and know your worth

Work on your inner self first and understand that you are worth more than what the guy out to use you sees in you. Constantly remind yourself how far you have come. Avoid men who will try to make you feel or look vulnerable in their bid to bed you.

If you do not believe that you are deserving of love and being treated like the queen you are, no one will see you for what you really are. You will always land messy guys who have no intentions of getting serious with you.

Sit down and reflect on the kind of partners you like and tend to go for, look for the things they have in common and look at how they treat you. Once you have figured out your dating patterns, you can change everything your dating life. Adjust the kind of partners you choose and avoid dates that will make you end up in the very situations you are trying to avoid.

Remind yourself what you need                                                                                             

In order to reassure yourself of what your needs are, you can write them and put them up somewhere and recite them to yourself every morning.

Do what it takes to make yourself comfortable and do not compromise and put your needs aside for someone else who wouldn't do the same for you.

Speak up about your needs

While in the early stages of dating, when you are both getting to know each other, make sure you speak up about your needs. Be honest about what you are looking for, and ask them what they are looking for as well to avoid having a conflict of interest in future.

Your-to-be partner has to be on the same page with you or things will not go as you imagined they will.

Don’t hesitate to move on if your needs cannot be met

If the person you have intentions of being with cannot take care of your needs, and honor them, then consider moving on. Find someone who can accommodate your needs without making you feel like you are demanding too much. Do not stick around with the assumption that with time he will change. It hardly happens and before you know it, you will be tangled up in a situationship.

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