A big butt is one of those features that a lot of people want. It's such a big deal that some women are willing to use butt enlargement pills and creams, most of which don't work and have dangerous side effects.
In fact, as we speak, there are still an increasing number of women going for a popular but deadly procedure called a Brazilian Butt Lift. It is crazy how some women are still motivated to get bigger butts either through legal but risky procedures or through illegal means.
Clearly, people still have a thing for big butts. And if you happen to be one of those people obsessed with big derrieres, believe it or not, you have a lot of reading to do about the many drawbacks:
Jeans rarely fitThe biggest complaint that ladies who are super curvy talk about is the fact that finding jeans that fit properly is a struggle. The hips, waist and thighs ratios make it an almost impossible task to get jeans you don't have to adjust.
Maybe this doesn't sound like a big deal because you can always wear other clothes but jeans are a wardrobe staple for most of us. You won't realize how amazing it is to walk into a shop and get your size with zero stress until you don't have that privilege.
Dresses are a hassleWearing dresses can also be a challenge when you have a big derriere. Short dresses in particular are a problem because your butt will cause it to lift at the back and expose you anytime. This means you can't always enjoy short and cute girly dresses without looking indecent from behind.
Another issue with dresses is the extra, unwanted jiggling even when you wear free-flowing dresses, including long designs. It might look like you want to show what your momma gave you when in real sense you're just walking and minding your business.
Sweat and moistureThe discomfort of extra moisture that comes with having a big butt isn't fun either. Sweat and moisture can easily get trapped in between and underneath causing discomfort and embarrassing sweat patches.
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For this reason, these ladies have to do a lot to keep the area dry and promote enough air circulation. This limits what you can wear as well because you don't want it to affect your confidence whenever it's humid.
OversexualizationBeing sexualized too much is something that women of all body shapes experience. But when you have a big butt it's a lot worse because it's a feature that draws in a lot of attention.
You will deal with annoying situations like people randomly touching your butt and lustful stares. There is also the challenge of people assuming you can twerk just because you have a big butt.
Getting hit on by shallow peopleA big butt is often a magnet for shallow people. You will have men approaching you and showing interest only because they have one thing on their mind.
This can make it difficult to connect with a partner who wants to genuinely connect with you past the physical.