Uhuru and Raila are fooling Kenyans

There’s a perverse psychology to the political institution and leaders in Kenya that seems to me as both subtly devious and crushingly blunt.  

The current situation tells of a tale of a game between three teams where one doesn’t have a sporting chance and will likely suffer as a result of its outcome.

Politics has confirmed my definition of it as a mask, a facade and a stage created by man to assume a level of a deity, to play god over others.

It is a mask to hide the narcissistic motivation of selfish, greedy and power hungry men and women.

It is a facade of deception and a stage where men and women flex the muscles of their impulsive inner child.

Sholom Aleichem said that Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich and a tragedy for the poor.

There are two points of view that I read between the lines of a well-oiled propaganda machine; (1) is of two elephants fighting where their point of view is so skewed, they can't see how it is for everyone else. They can only look at the struggling peasants and laugh.At the very least, they don't understand.

And (2) there is the grass below the feet of the elephants, the peasant, the poor and the innocent who suffer the most, always. Often, they suffer for no reason whatsoever, and die never knowing the purpose of their lives.

Let’s separate the two elephants and decipher them further. On one side there is ‘kamwana’-young man- or in the other name ‘mundu witu’-our man.

Well our man Mr. President you came to us with well spiced and salted promises of a better Kenya for our children, a piece of the biblical Garden of Eden.

However three years down the line we are still in the land where I don’t want my unborn child to reside in, a place where education teaches me not to let the tribe override the self where politics divides us along tribal lines.

You claim to understand our suffering but the truth is you don’t, you’re well protected in a fortress compared to my four walled room that is crammed up that I sometimes feel like the walls are closing in on me.

Your children have access to better education and health facilities while I have the option of an education where the schools have no resources and a hospital with under paid doctors with no medicine.

The reality is until you bring the ‘State house’ to Kibera, Mathare, Huruma, Kakamenga, Turkana, Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, Mpeketoni, Mvita, Siaya et al then will I call you our man.

Returning to the other elephant, Baba-father- Right Honorable, the former Prime Minister. Well father us as your children, we would like to point out our issues to you.

First let’s say thank you for fighting for our right and freedom, the same freedom that gave us the opportunity to write this article but as your friend on the other side I also say you don’t understand our problem, case in point;

In the luxury and the comfort of you mansion you don’t understand as a Kenyan who is struggling to access better education, a better paying and secure job, better health services and security for me.

Surely you cannot ask me to forget that people died and others were displaced and you acquired the name Right Honorable Prime Minister.

During your time in office you did little to compensate and resettle the victims of the horrible violence.

I as a citizen have put my confidence in you two to lead a multiple of others to represent us and work toward providing a better place to live in. What I have witnessed instead resembles two children fighting for a toy.

The current crop of leaders come with well phrased obfuscation claiming that they are fighting for us.

The truth is they want us to fight for them but when the teargases are being hurled they leave in luxurious vehicles and we are left with the option of ‘miguu niponye’.

I know enough not to swallow some fairy tale about your intentions. You come to us for votes and we give you and after that everything goes back to the way it was.

Our lives remain the same scrabble game that has been knocked backhanded off a table so the letters no longer make up words we understand.

It’s a fact of human condition that as mortals we are subjected to what the Greek called ‘hubris’- roughly translated to mean overweening pride, a frequently fatal flaw that blinds us towards our own peril, the hunter is stalked, the bitter bitten.

For instance you may believe in your perception where you debase, degrade and dehumanize the citizen as tools to fight your battle but I refuse, I say no.