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Why you need to be fruitful in life

 Why you need to be fruitful in life (Photo: iStock)

God created you to be fruitful. People may hate you for it but God delights in your fruitfulness. You need to have the spine or guts to bear the cost of fruitfulness.

This comes in the form of hate, jealousy, ridicule, scorn, gossip, just being tolerated or the topic of discussion in blogs and other social media platforms.

Bishop T.D. Jakes puts this into perspective in his book titled, 'Can You Stand to be Blessed?'

An old man once told me that the higher up a bird flies, the more it exposes itself to the arrows of the hunter. When it flies low no one knows, sees or shoots at it.

In the flower farms, the greenhouses are kept well-lit day and night to ensure that the flowers grow fast and continuously 24/7.

I pray that you will experience heavenly supersonic speed to grow and not be deterred by the vicissitudes of life, objections or people fighting you left, right and centre.

What makes one fruitful? The story of Joseph in the Book of Genesis gives us some insights. He had become exceedingly fruitful and because of this, he was hated by people whom he had done no wrong.

One, maintain fellowship with God. Joseph's circumstances kept changing: he was thrown into a pit and later sold as a slave in Egypt by his brothers; Potiphar's wife accused him of attempted rape; Potiphar put him into prison; and the prison mate (former butler) forgot him after being released. Despite all this, his relationship and fellowship with God remained unbroken, undeterred and constant. The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man.

Potiphar realised that the Lord made everything he did to prosper in his hand. Maintain communion with God through prayer, listening and obeying his instruction.

Two, find favour with God. Joseph found favour before God, his father, Potiphar and the prison guard. He served Potiphar well and was made overseer of his house and everything that he had he put under his authority. The blessing of the Lord was upon what Potiphar had in the house and field for Joseph's sake.

Three, be faithful in service. Potiphar entrusted Joseph with everything he had and Joseph executed the responsibilities bestowed upon him faithfully. He left everything in the hands of Joseph who did not need to be supervised because he did everything with a spirit of excellence.

The prison guard made Joseph the leader of the other prisoners and gave him authority to decide what they did there.

Four, have the fear of God. Joseph refused to sleep with Potiphar's wife even though no one was around - he could not go against God's principles.

He said to her, "There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" (Genesis 39:9)

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And the knowledge of the Holy One is to understand" (Proverbs 9:10). The fear of God will keep you away from trouble and protect you from injury to your soul and spirit.

Five, forgive. Joseph was good to his brothers, Potiphar, and his wife and the former butler but they all caused him so much harm and hurt.

He forgave them and did not allow bitterness and unforgiveness to ruin his heart or poison his spirit forever. We live in an imperfect world full of wicked people who plot evil schemes for others. Forgive them so that God can forgive your wrongs.

Sixth, have fortitude. Joseph endured difficult circumstances but never gave up. Do not give up, backslide or throw in the towel. Get back up and stick to it through and through. Winners do not give up!

Seven, be filled with the Spirit of God. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and gave him advice on what to do so that the land and people would not perish during the seven years of famine. Pharaoh and his servants were happy with the advice.

"And he said to his servants, can we find one such as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?" (Genesis 41:38).

He praised Joseph's wisdom and discernment; and declared that he would be in charge of his house and that the people will be ruled according to Joseph's word apart from the throne.

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