For most people, the picture that comes to mind when we think of engagements is of a man, kneeling down and proposing to his wife-to be. Well, hopefully wife-to be at least. After the successful proposal, everyone is usually excited to get a glimpse of the ring on the lady’s hand and celebrations follow.
In modern relationships though, things are different. There is a big shift in how we look at relationships and people are more open to changing how we look at roles in relationships.
When we narrow down to proposals, the question comes up on whether women should initiate proposals more. Is it something that’s being embraced or should people be more hesitant about making this huge shift?
Allow us to answer some of those questions and concerns you may have:
How do you personally feel about it?As a lady, think about whether you would be comfortable planning the whole engagement ceremony, getting on one knee and surprising your man with the big question.
Look at this situation properly and check if you would be one hundred percent okay with it or whether you would never in a million years, no judgment here!
Would your partner be open to it?If you care about someone deeply, it’s always important to consider how they would feel when it comes to something as big as an engagement. For so many men, there is a sense of pride and achievement that comes with the chance to propose to someone because it shows that he’s ready to take care of his woman for the rest of his life.
And, the tradition of making it public also signifies that the commitment he’s making is serious. This type of man would be taken aback if he’s proposed to.
On the other side, there are men who don’t see it as a big deal. If that happens to be your man, you can propose and it doesn’t have to come with any expectations.
Do you care what others will think?In one way or another, we still care about what other people think about us regardless of which form that comes in. We care about what our friends think and value the opinions of those we love because these are basics of building social connections.
With proposals, there is still a certain expectation that it’s the man who will push for that type of commitment. It might be a little uncomfortable when you have to keep correcting people on who proposed to who and that can be too much for someone who doesn’t want to deal with all that.
It’s still a new concept and because of that, you will get all sorts of mixed reactions.
Is it happening more often?As much as people are learning to look at things differently when it comes to relationships, the statistics still show that women are not proposing to men as much. For many modern women, the thought of proposing still seems strange.
Most women would want their man to do the proposing and I’m not sure that will change anytime soon.
So, should women propose?
It all depends. As an adult, you are allowed to make choices for yourself as long as you’re ready to deal with the outcomes.