Finding balance in a teenage girl’s room

Kenya: Teenage can be a turbulent stage of life as children transition from childhood to adulthood, desiring the privileges of adults yet detesting responsibilities that come with it.

Bearing this in mind, it helps to include the teenager in decision making when decorating their space.

For the teenage girl budding into womanhood, she will prefer that her personal space reflects her changing moods, dreams and inspirations.


With a desperate desire to detangle from childhood, baby pink rooms might not be welcomed by a teenage girl.

More grown-up colours like pale toned lilacs will be more acceptable for the teenage girl or pastel colours in light hues of greens or soft yellows and shades of beige.

Cartoon characters are hardly the scheme to use for your budding girl, she will prefer a funky and trendy look.


Depending on your teenage girl’s top-of-the mind hobby, they might want to express themselves by exhibiting their new found passions in music or basketball.

While posters plastered all over the wall may be the preferred option for your adolescent, you may want to negotiate a neater and more presentable way of hobby expression.

A themed room with images of musical instruments or her ballerina dance moves will inspire her to continue with her practices to improve her competence to picture perfectness.

Speaking of music, factor in a place where your teenage can include a gadget where she can listen to music and chat online with her virtual friends.

Be sure to include a set of ear phones lest she deafens the entire household with loud music.

Dressing table

A full length mirror will be a must have for your teenage girl as she becomes more conscious of her curvy body.

She may spend a lot more time trying out one outfit after another and the mirror will come in handy to help her match colours with modern trends as she makes conflicting decisions between what is suitable apparel wear for parents verses what will cause a stir with her peer girlfriends.

A dressing table will be useful to tame her new found adventure for a growing list of make up, moisturisers and hair sprays and a close-up mirror useful to scrutinise threatening acne pimples.



At this age, a girl’s wardrobe is likely to expand as she explores clothes that fit right. Also growing in numbers may be the pairs of shoes sampled before finding the appropriate pair.

Ample closet storage space becomes a necessity rather than a luxury to keep away the multitude of nitty gritties.

Setting some housekeeping rules to control clutter will be a good negotiating point if your sweet teenage girl is to get her own room and a good lesson to reinforce that with every privilege comes responsibility.