This is how to best optimise your valuable time for greater success

Time consciousness should be your first priority as you begin your workday. [PHOTO:FILE]

NAIROBI, KENYA: Most employees waste valuable company time engaging in unproductive habits such as office chatter or logged to social sites.

Often a times, work is always behind schedule, necessitating their need to make up the deficit of wasted time by working overtime.

Time is precious. Each minute and second of every single working hour counts. Learn to treasure your career time if you’re going to optimise it.

Wasted time is irretrievable. You can’t recall it. Time consciousness should be your priority as you begin your daily roles. Cultivate this by reporting to work early.

Ensure you are at work in time if your company has adopted a clocking in and out system. It pays to be punctual as your employer can track how many hours you put to work daily.

One  of the benefit of being time conscious is the gain of an innate sense. Keeping a daily time management journal to track your schedule would be valuable. Reading it from time to time will tell you a lot about your time consciousness, especially how you have used it.

According to Peter Kang’ethe, a manager with a firm in Nakuru town, there are instances where employees rob their employer(s) off valuable productive time.

Kang’ethe says he has caught some of his staff engaging in improper work activities like being hooked to their phones chatting, filling out Sudoku puzzles or simply engaged in workplace gossips.

He warns that such trends, if left unchecked, can take toll on the company’s productivity, further advising that employees ought to be good stewards of time. “An activity allotted certain time should be completed at the specified time frame,” he says, adding that wasted time may not be compensated.

“As an employee, exercise discipline in using company’s time wisely. Avoid that temptation of opening an extra window and logging in to social sites. Your employer may have tools to monitor your online activities if you’re using workplace computers.”


With disciplined approach to time, you may discover much can be accomplished during such moments you daydream or log on to social sites. Don’t rob your employer of a few valuable minutes.

He says a company may allow for flexibility in time management, but plan everything to schedule. Don’t operate under threats as this may lead to improper way of doing things. Scheduling can help save the company’s  time but ensure employees have a mastery of better time use and cut on need to work overtime to make up for the deficit.

Though scheduling doesn’t guarantee everything will be accomplished in a desired short period, it pays to be time efficient.  For a self employee, saving time will entail making a procedure to carry out specific tasks at a set time.

Re-evaluate those things that you do by forcing yourself and establish a proper schedule for them.

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