Extreme gossip: Power wars in the airwaves

Scathing rivalry over power is threatening to polarise operations at a leading media establishment. Embroiled in a bitter showdown whose murky schemes were splashed to paparazzi diaries early this week is two female radio personalities.

By the time we were going to press, the victim in the saga, a presenter co-hosting a leading radio show, had threatened to resign or risk the sack following a high profile meeting (held on Tuesday) whose bid to harmonise the two protagonists hit a snag.

It all started after the radio duo started grabbling over what sources termed as ‘financial issues’. The bone of contention is that since their radio programme had been rated among the top, the management should effect some pay increase in acknowledgement of the same.

But a leading and vocal member of the establishment was not happy, even with a promotion, which had been accorded to the said female presenter.

Word has it that having been pitted between a rock and a hard place, the leading duo are contemplating taking offers from rival radio stations, which upon hearing of the face-off and subsequent showdown have been circling the two highly rated presenters like hungry hyenas.

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