OPINION: What NASA's economic boycott foretells of the economy

The National Super Alliance (NASA) advised its supporters to shun certain companies and their products, through a nationwide boycott campaign.

The opposition leadership earmarked the following company for the public boycott: BIDCO Africa, Safaricom Ltd, and Brookside Dairies together with her subsidiaries. This simply implies that the opposition leaning masses, are to give products from these companies a wide berth, altogether, for an unspecified period of time.

Pundits have had their input on this sensitive scenario, while others have made fun of the opposition move through hilarious memes and caricatures, lighting the social media public, insinuating that the NASA brigade has simply goofed on this one.

While a boycott has far-reaching implications on any victim it is directed at, including loss of revenue and income, massive layoffs, the major casualty is the national economy, that will be deprived of taxes. Without taxes, no government can run or operate. A government is in its strength to collect and spend taxes to run its day to day activities. 

Given the volatile nature of our economy, where even a single political event makes our markets stagnate, with cries of losing of billions, a boycott is the worst stab the fragile economy can be subjected to.

A boycott can break the backbone of the country's economy within n time. For this who still view it as child play, consult real financial and economic experts.