Teens consume toxic laundry detergent in online challenge

The century we live in is blessed, and to some extent cursed to have access to the internet. With the net, as many christen it came all sorts of weird things that human beings could indulge in. Teenagers can now pick habits from others across the world unlike when they had to learn from their parents.

The downside of this all narrows down to one factor, whenever teens choose to indulge, they barely listen or heed advice from parents or guardians.

Such include the most recent case of the Tide Pod Challenge where teens from across the world have challenged each other into consuming toxic laundry detergent from American multi-national consumer goods corporation Procter & Gamble Co (P&G).

The trend involves teenagers ingesting from the colourful packets of Tide and uploading videos to various internet platforms. Others even added the pods to their food and posted thereafter videos of foaming mouths.

According to consumer reports Tide pods contain Ethanol and hydrogen peroxide which can burn the inner stomach.

This weird act has been condemned by many boards including the American Association of Poison Control Centers which issued an alert cautioning people against ingesting the highly toxic laundry pods.

YouTube is working to remove the Tide Pod Challenge videos to keep more teens from indulging in the risky behavior.

Although it’s not clear how the craze began, many believe it was influenced by the many talks on how attractive the Tide pod detergent packaging is. Most claim that it’s hard to resist its candy-like packaging.

P&G acting from the outcry brought in New England Patriots of the National Football League (NFL) Rob Gronkowski who reminded the crazed teens that ‘Tide Pods are for washing, not eating!’