Secure Lokichoggio town

Lokichoggio Airport in Lokichoggio town, Turkana County [Bakari Angela, Standard]

Frequent attacks by a militia from neighbouring South Sudan has added to Kenya's insecurity headache.

In the past three months, raids by the Toposa militia along the Kenya-South Sudan border have left more than 10 people dead and a dozen animals stolen.

And that is not all. They have also disrupted the construction of Lokichoggio-Nadapal road.

It is shameful that a foreign ragtag army can terrorise a country with a powerful security machinery like Kenya —not for a day, but for months. Such transgression and the ongoing bandit attacks in Laikipia, makes Kenyans to question the purported strength of their well-funded security agencies.

Police and the military must reassure the public by dealing with such threats expeditiously.