The super stylish and beautiful Jalisa Vaugh is this week’s Fashion Friday Inspo. The 27-year-old American online content creator is popularly known for her stylish outfits, and curves that could stop traffic. She shows us, fellow pear-shaped girls, how to style a figure that has a narrow upper body with a wide lower body.
The pear shape is the most common body shape among women according to Jill Martin on Just like an actual pear, women with this body shape have a much smaller bust and shoulder area compared to their wider hip area. It is not uncommon for ladies shaped this way to feel self-conscious about having fairly small breasts, and yet, struggle to find the perfect bottoms that fit their wide hips.
Jalisa is all-natural and we love it! She knows how to style her figure in a variety of clothes that you probably wouldn’t think look good on pear-shaped girls. Here are a few items that should make it into your wardrobe if you are a curvy girl.
(Images: Instagram - @jalisaevaughn)
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