Negotiated democracy equivalent to negotiation for chaos

Democracy in reality means, giving a society, population or the general public in a country the freedom to choose what they desire in a governance system.

 As a young man from Mandera County, I feel disturbed by the pronouncement of a section of the elders in my great county, that County leadership shall be alternated within the Mandera Clans and tribes.

Apparently they claim that leadership shall not be determined by the developmental record of a leader.

 In my view, a leader must be characterised by developmental records or desire to address common issues of County residents and serve Kenyans to the best optimum level.

 Otherwise, we shall lag behind in development and remain ever complaining of Marginalization by National government, as was true in the past and not now when devolution has taken up the space.

It is too bad in this 21st century we allow ourselves to be swallowed by clan or tribe brokers, whose desire is to just continue with status quo, endure with the political family dynasty and in the long run bring disunity among the people.

These creates fear among County residents.

Any visionary person, must strongly oppose the idea of negotiated democracy promoted by elders who seem not to care about the general public and accountability principle.

Youth, women and other vulnerable members of society must strongly come out in large numbers and stand against puppet leaders who are just being imposed on them.

They should vote them out and open up forums to debate issues facing the resident, otherwise history shall harshly judge us in our golden years to come.