Kimani: British princess reveals the naked truth, it’s not as ugly as it sounds

There is an interesting picture of Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, doing rounds on the web after its publication in Australia and Germany.

The fair princess is photographed doing a striptease after a gush of wind from a chopper’s blade blew up her dress after landing in Australia.

It’s not the first time this has happened; some moons ago, a powerful gale lifted her dress somewhere in Canada, so one can say many people across the world are privy to the intimate contours of the fair lady.

The British Press have not touched those images, following an agreement with Kensington Palace to eschew anything that would violate the privacy of the royals. If my memory serves me right, there is a law that prohibits such publications. Or it is a gentleman’s agreement that’s anchored on media regulatory authority in Britain. You see I’m having a difficulty recalling exactly what I read because the law is as old as Brittania.

Newspaper editors, however, have a different explanation. They say they shall not be bound by some antiquated authority, even when those that the law seeks to protect make no effort to do the least, like covering their bums from exposure.

While I do not purport to bear any knowledge of female clothing, I hear weights can be placed along the hem of the dress to avoid what our people call aibu ndogo ndogo (little embarrassments).

But again, an occasional striptease isn’t a very bad idea, especially if Kate finds life as a royalty a little suffocating.