Are you dating Mr Right for Nobody?

By Miss Tarus

Guess every woman would love to know the kind of man they are dating. They all assume that they are dating Mr Right but are they? Just which right guy are you seeing now?

In the next few weeks, we shall run descriptions of the different types of Mr Right.

We start with this one we shall call Mr Right for Nobody. At least each girl has had that one guy who really messes you up — the one you have so much passion for, you think you may explode. You can’t get him off your mind and want to see him all the time.

If it was possible for you to become one with him, you would. Unfortunately… you are not the only girl that feels that way for him; there are other girls who feel the same way for him.

Enter the player — he is smooth, attractive and knows what to say to get girls do what he wants. Many girls often mistake him for Mr Right. This is the guy who makes you act crazy, in ways you never thought possible.

You check his text messages when he’s not looking, you hack into his voicemail, you can read his email whenever you want because you paid a computer geek to get his password and alert you whenever he changes it.
can’t be trusted

You become a possessive freak when this guy is in your life because you know that he can’t be trusted, yet you want him. You hope to change him and make him tame his wild ways and settle down.

Sorry! It won’t happen. This guy is all about stroking his own ego and girls are just a means to this end. This guy can’t be trusted with your heart, or even with your best friend. You need to get out before it is too late.

The problem with him is that too many girls give in to the passion and it becomes an addiction. They keep the guy in their life despite his unworthiness. The girls end up self-destructing while he continues checking out other cute chicks on the streets. Think it won’t happen to you because you’re too smart? My dear you need a reality check. Enough said!

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