MPs: We'll reject Mutunga, Baraza in Parliament



Two MPs have faulted the Judicial Service Commission for nominating only two individuals for the posts of Chief Justice and his deputy.

Eldoret North MP William Ruto and Kaloleni counterpart Kazungu Kambi said JSC should have nominated three names for each post and forwarded them for consideration.

"We want the Judicial Service Commission to nominate two more for each of the vacant posts before forwarding them to the President," Ruto demanded.

He did not, however, specify whether he wanted the whole process repeated.

Speaking after a church service at the Kisima cha Neema cha Mwana wa Daudi in Mombasa, Ruto criticised CJ nominee Dr Willy Mutunga.

"We cannot have a CJ who spots studs on his ears and claims he uses them to communicate with unseen spirits," Ruto said.

The suspended Higher Education minister said Kenya was a God-fearing nation and its crop of leaders ought to be believers.

He used the occasion to thank Christians and other religious people for standing by him during ‘trying moments’ of his life and career.

‘Reject them’

Kambi, who is also the Assistant Minister for Medical Services, said they would reject the names of Dr Mutunga and Ms Nancy Baraza in Parliament.

"We will oppose them on the floor of the House," Kambi said.

Kambi petitioned President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to reject the nominees.

Kisima cha Neema cha Mwana wa Daudi presiding Bishop Mary Kagendo led faithful in praying for Ruto.

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