In search of greener pastures

By Foxy

"So now what next?" I was sitting in our apartment wondering how I was going to manage being broke (again) in the middle of the month.

"I’m tired of being broke!" I said. "Aren’t we all?" Hazvinei looked up briefly from her sci-fi novel. I had washed down the chocolate cookies with a tub of ice cream and I still didn’t feel better. This was a problem food couldn’t solve.

My network-marketing project had flopped, and I’m obviously not good at seducing men for their money.

"You are not a huchi" Hazvinei dismissed. No talent for it. So now what do I do? I worked hard at the office but they did not promote me, or more importantly increase my salary. I was starting to hate the office and its politics. If only I could raise some capital to start a business. Any business. Then I could spend my days ‘networking’ like Laila.

"I need to hang out with the movers and shakers in Village Market and land myself a UN job. Then I’d be making loads of money," I said.

Hazvinei turned to the next page of the novel dryly.

"How will you get there?" Hazvinei asked, referring to Village Market. She knew my set of wheels was still a dream, and my budget was too tight to wrangle out cab fare three days a week.

"By Mathree," I said

"So late jioni after work?" Yeah that was a good point, security is an issue, particularly since Village Market is in the thick of Mungikiland. It was food for thought.

"And if I don’t get something in six months I’m moving majuu."

I didn’t know how, but it was going to happen.

"Majuu?" She parroted.

"Abroad. I’m flying out," I clarified. "Ehee! Abroad where?"

"Anywhere?" I was flippant now.


"At least choose somewhere where they speak English?" Well, at the very least she was encouraging.

"No worries, flying out is just the back-up plan," I said.

"Ok, so what’s your strategy?" She put the book face down, totally damaging the binding. I know from years of reading books by begging, borrowing and stealing method. When I borrow and beg I’m careful not to keep the book that way, it’s easier for one to tell the book was out of their possession. Hazvinei was looking at me closely now.

"I will start by going to Village Market three days a week to network."

"Ehee, this I have to see."

She knew I had a streak of madness in me that made me absolutely fearless.