13 pointers that you’re in love with him

You have met someone and spent time with them.

You have gone to several dates with them and you begin to question if you’ve finally met your prince charming.

It is fun being around him but you are not sure you’re falling for love or for the attention that he gives. You have endless questions regarding where all this bliss is leading to.

You’re not sure if you love him enough to take it to the next level. Here are some of the things that will make you know if you’re truly in love with Mr. Man;

You’re driving everyone around you mad with talks about him. You find it hard not to mention him to your friends and family. It excites you to talk about him over and over. You want everyone to know he is good to you.

You’re not afraid to show him your ugly sides. You feel free to share with him your weaknesses and frustrations. You cry comfortably in his presence without worring he might run away. You don’t feel the need to surpress your feelings or hide your true self.

He is the first person you think about when you get any news, good or bad. You know he will stop anything to listen to you, to celebrate with you or to console you.

You’re already thinking about introducing him to your family. It doesn’t scare you what your family will think of him. You feel the need for him to be part of your life.

You subconciously talk with him about the future. In your mind, he is already part of your future and talking about forthcoming things with him feels alright.

When you don’t see him for a while , you miss him genuinely. You feel the emptiness if he is not around or you dont hear from him for a day or so.

He makes you forget all your past relationships. If you haven’t had time to think of your ex, whether in a good or bad way, this guy has really swept you of your feet.

You’re ready to make little sacrifices for the both of you. If you can go out of your way to make him his favourite meal despite hating the process or its ingridents, then you are smitten.

You don’t fear a thing when around him. He gives you a sense of security and you would go anywhere with him. He accopmanies you to places you hated before and suddenly you love them.

He is human, he’s not immune to error but you are ready to overlook his flaws. You forgive him easily and concentrate on the good things he does rather than the small mistakes that annoy you.

Although he may not end up liking them as you do, you introduce him to your likes so in the end he knows you better than anyone else.

You have an eye for the things that he likes. You start noticing things he likes, things you didn’t know existed before you met him. You watch his favourite film with him, even though you hated that genre before.

You know him well enough not to keep looking at your screen for new messages. You understand he takes his time before replying to you, but you don’t create a fuss out of it.

If all or most of these facts apply to your relationship, then you are certainly in love with him. You don’t care what others think about it, you don’t hide who you are in his presence and you are ready to step out of your way to do stuff with him. You are certainly in love and taking it to the next level is your way forward.