A letter to President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga

Dear leaders,

You are probably the most prominent leaders in kenya right now. With less than 30 days to elections, there is one key thing that I would ask from you; peace.

You have both shaped the minds of Kenyans in one way or the other. Mr Raila, you have been Kenya's Prime Minister and you did your duties the best way you could. Mr Kenyatta, you have been our president for five years and I would not lie, you did accomplish some of the things you said you would and for that kudos to both of you.

Mr Raila, I am impressed by what you said during an interview at Radio Maisha; that you would accept defeat if you lose the 2017 general elections. I pray that that is what you would do and that all the other leaders would emulate.

The tension is too much. You both are great leaders but remember, Kenya is greater than the both of you. You both have the power to determine the aftermath of the 2017 general elections. A large number of Kenyans will follow what you tell the to do; preach peace and there will be peace, promote violence and you will see the worst in Kenyans.

I am sure that you both love Kenyans and you want the best for us and if I am right, please let there be peace. Leadership comes from God and thus, whomever will win the elections, just know that you have the responsibility to make sure that their is peace in Kenya.

Mr Kenyatta, if Raila wins just accept it and know that you had your time and you fulfilled what you could and Mr Raila, if Kenyatta wins, please do as you promised and accept defeat and let Mr Kenyatta finish what he started.

Kenyans don’t want to vote in fear or rather not vote because they are afraid of what may come. I respect you as our most prominent leaders and I ask you to respect us as Kenyans. For the sake of Kenyans, let there be peace, please.

Yours sincerely,

A concerned citizen.