How to keep colds and flu at bay

1. Eat lots of brightly coloured fruit and vegetables

Vegetables such as sweet potatoes, butternut squash and beetroot are rich in beta-carotene which our bodies convert to Vitamin A which we need to keep the mucosal linings in our nose and lungs robust enough to defend against infection. Other foods to include are red fruits such as oranges, mango, apricots and melon.

This amazing family of vegetables contain potent oils that have an anti-microbial action, so they may help protect against bacterial and viral infections. They also support good gut health as probiotics by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria.

2. Add garlic and onion to dishes

Trials supporting the efficacy of garlic in preventing the common cold have been of poor quality up to this point, so there is little clinical evidence. But, as garlic and onion both have impressive health benefits, they are still worth including in your diet. If you hate garlic breath or that potent aftertaste, look out for fermented black garlic. It has a rich balsamic flavour and is said to be twice as active as regular garlic, without the unfavourable after effects!

3. Eat enough Vitamin C

Super strength Vitamin C has long been considered the ideal precaution against catching the common cold and some people insist it can help when you’ve already succumbed. However, studies suggest that high doses of Vitamin C are most relevant for people exposed to brief periods of intense physical stress such as endurance athletes, or those living in very cold environments.

For the rest of us, eating plenty of fruit and veg every day should give us enough Vitamin C to support the healthy function of the immune system. These include leafy, dark green vegetables such as chard and spinach, peppers, broccoli, peas, kiwi fruit and citrus fruits.

4. Get enough vitamin D through sunlight or food

Vitamin D is an important nutrient for overall health and studies have shown that people low in this vital vitamin are at a greater risk of infection, including those of the upper respiratory system. In the winter months, low levels of sunlight mean we need to obtain Vitamin D from our diets. There are only a few food sources, of which the best are oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, eggs and mushrooms. Including a selection of these foods regularly throughout the winter months is a good way to top up your Vitamin D levels.

5. Eat more oats and barley

Grains such as oats and barley are rich in a water-soluble fibre called beta-glucans, which as well as keeping us full and satisfied, has a valuable immune modulatory effect – increasing the number and function of protective immune cells.

6. Keep your gut healthy

It’s long been known that good gut health is critical to staying fit and well. In fact, more than 60 per cent of our immune defences lie along the mucosal lining of our gut, so keeping it in tip top condition is a first line of defence against infection. Including probiotic foods like live yogurt, kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut can help to feed the good bacteria in the gut, but introduce these foods gradually to give your system time to adjust.

7. Wash your hands (and clean your phone!)

When cold and flu season hits, it’s worth paying attention to your hygiene habits. If you really want to dodge that cold, be scrupulous – wipe any shared keyboards and phones with an antiseptic wipe before use. Wash your hands frequently and keep them away from your face – especially your mouth and nose.

8. Keep active

Get out into the daylight as much as possible and keep physically active. Moderate exercise can help to support the immune system because it stimulates the production of white blood cells – the cells that defend us from illness. It’s worth noting, however, that repeated excessive exercise can diminish the immune response, so stick to a moderate approach.

Courtesy of BBC