I’m worried none of our property is in my name


We have been married for 12 years and I really love my husband. However, I have noticed that all the properties we have acquired in the course of our marriage is only in his name. He likes doing this to the extent that I bought a car and some land last year and since he was the one managing those processes I was surprised to see them registered only in his name. When I ask about i,t he asks me if I am planning to leave him and when I say no, he says then that there is no problem. I am afraid of this situation, I don’t think it is right but I don’t know how to approach him. Please advice.


Your take

Like your husband, I don’t see any problem with him registering the family property in his name.

From what you have said, it looks like you guys are having a great marriage and unless you have some hidden agenda, there is no cause for alarm.

 (Ben Shikuku)

There must be a good reason why you are raising such a concern. You said you have been in the marriage for 12 years and you love your husband, why would you think he has ulterior motives just because he has registered all the property in his name?

 (Ouma Ragumo)

The laws on property ownership are very clear, especially when one is registered as the owner of a certain property. Talk to a property lawyer about your situation. He/she will be in a position to give you valid advice.  (Oyoo Wycklife)

Why would your husband register your car in his name? Raise your concerns with him as soon as you can.

Your husband is either selfish or he doesn’t trust you. Be open enough and let him know what you feel about his actions.

 (Tasma Charles)

I think it is selfish of him to do that. Share with him what you think, but you must be cautious not to cause rifts in your marriage.

(Andrew Chaplin)

Counsellor’s take

 This is a complex situation and it needs to be managed carefully. It is rather strange that even assets purchased with your funds are registered in his name. He may be working towards tethering you around him. Ownership and registration of property is a critical factor in safeguarding the wellbeing of the family in any eventuality. To him, divorce seems to be the only eventuality but there are others such as death. The family ought to be safeguarded against the ever prevailing risks when it comes to properties such as disinheritance and asset stripping which are realities in the event of misfortunes. The drive towards joint ownership should be family wellbeing rather than insecurity based issues such as divorce.
