Lonely? Meet someone you like

By Miss Taurus

Meeting that special someone often happens by accident. You can, however, increase the odds of meeting someone you like by frequenting particular places.

Here are some good places to meet potential dates:

Back to school

Find something you have always wanted to do and take a course. The fact that you are out of the house means you are learning and relating at the same time. Your discussion group leader may have a cute sibling who is single.


Fun places are some of the best places to scout dates. Everybody’s relaxed, open, and prepared to be happy.


Many singles go to the movies. The queue to the theatre as you wait to get in, especially if it’s long, is a good place to get to know somebody. If you get to know each other before the movie begins, offering to share popcorn will do wonders.


If you love to dance and are good at it, go for it. You will meet the ‘something-in-common’ person you have been yearning for.


Shopping has that comfort thing going. It is usually a non-threatening environment, and if no dateable person happens to meander in front of your trolley or pause invitingly at the cookies section, you can still pick up your stuff and remain happy.

Bus stops

Waiting at the same place and at the same time everyday creates a sense of community. Regular passengers tend to meet here all the time; sometimes they even sit together in the bus.


In some bookshops, you can curl up in a big couch and listen to soft music — and even get tempted to chat each other up. If you happen to spot some hunk perusing your favourite author’s latest book, discussing the finer points over café latte in the bookshop café is fun and safe.


Asking to join someone sitting alone in a restaurant is a bit iffy. If they say yes, then you don’t have to eat alone.

Worship places

Many churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship have special singles events, figuring that they are safe, familiar and spiritual.


Participate in volunteer activities on a regular basis. You may just meet Mr Right there. Having something in common with another altruistic soul gives you lots to talk about.

Political campaigns

I’m serious! It’s the season of politics and these venues offer a perfect environment to meet someone since volunteers share a common goal and the atmosphere is exciting and intense.


When you go to the gym, you are among other people doing essentially the same thing and you see the same people all the time.

Sporting events

Most people are relaxed when they watch sports and are quite willing to explain what’s going on or to argue.