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What to do when your partner has a higher sex drive than you


What do you do when your partner has a higher sex drive that you? How do you tell your spouse that you are not interested in having sex every single day? In most relationships, one partner usually has a higher sex drive than the other; it could be the male or the female. Coping with a partner who is an ‘animal’ when it comes to sex can be somehow frustrating and annoying, however, it doesn’t have to be. Here are five things you can do when your partner has a higher sex drive than you;

1. Most couples find it difficult to talk about their frustrations and worries when it comes to sex. This is because they might not know what to say or even how to approach the topic. Couples should find a time when they are less vulnerable, like for instance during the day, not when you are about to have sex. The talk might seem uncomfortable but be honest to your partner and hit the bullet straight. Communication saves a lot of relationships.

2. To men, if your woman seems less interested in sex than you, pay attention to friendship. Women automatically get turned on when they feel closer to someone; this means that you should do the little things that are important to her. Show her love and affection and that way, she might become more intimate with you even though sex is not her greatest desire.

3. To women, if you are the sex ‘animal’ in the relationship, do not be the I-want-sex nagging girlfriend; men hate that. Men are passive-aggressive, they may agree to all your demands totally turned off sexually and emotionally. Do not feel unwanted or not sexy enough when your man has a lower sex drive than you, instead, focus on what you might be doing wrong. Try to be the type of person he wants you to be, in return, he might return the favor, become the man you want him to be.

4. Touch affectionately without thinking about sex. Most women believe that men will start touching them only when they want sex, and this makes them feel like an object and totally turns them off. Women want to cuddled, kissed, and touched and hold hands without necessarily having sex. Try being affectionate to her since a lot of women have a strong need for affection without sexual overtones.

5. Sometimes, it just can’t work. You may try to make it work if your partner has a very high sex drive than you, but it might fail and it all comes down to compromise and sacrifice. If your partner has an uncontrollable desire for sex he/she needs to find someone who will do the same. Sometimes a person with a higher sex drive might find it difficult to understand why someone else has a lower sex drive. According to McMannon a sex expert, “‘Sex is the ultimate collision of the physical and the emotional – and sometimes it’s just not possible to make the emotional side of a relationship work when you’re not on the same physical wave length. Sometimes, you do have to let the relationship go and accept that it was a learning experience. You can’t force it to work – but as long as you’ve both done your best when it comes to understanding and accommodating each other, you’ve done a good job.”

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