Do more to tame unemployment

Unemployment among the youth is one of the growing concerns in Kenya, and one that poses a major threat to national security.

About 70 per cent of the eligible young working class are unemployed, and to bring hope in society, unemployment has been the key election agenda for every politician.

The same politicians who promised to tackle unemployment during their last campaigns have started the same rhetoric of promises that have not been fulfilled. The campaign agenda still remains “creating jobs to curb unemployment among the youth”.

They are associating themselves with incomplete projects; assuring the youth that they will get employed to finish those projects, not knowing that there are many educated youths with degrees in various fields of their specialisation but still remain unemployed, because there are no job opportunities for them.

These politicians should have the courtesy of creating jobs for the many youths out there before they can start to promise more jobs.

This will not only help them gain trust from the youth but also give youths morale to get education knowing that they will get employed.

For the youth to make a positive contribution, they need to be provided with work. This is one way of fighting radicalisation.