Chief Justice Willy Mutunga mourns Ali Mazrui

Kenya: Let me start by honoring a great East African citizen who passed away on Monday: Prof. Ali Mazrui. A distinguished scholar and friend whose intellectual contribution to the cause of justice, rule of law, and good governance both here and abroad  is indisputably immense.

He is definitely a prominent member of that pantheon of the world’s best thinkers, and this region should be proud that it produced such a great mind that was listed as one of the top 100 most influential thinkers in the globe.

Only one year ago, Prof. Mazrui, quite infirm but still the public intellectual he was, agreed to be a guest of the Kenya Judiciary. He delivered very thoughtful lectures to judges on the interplay between law and politics, and gave sharp insights on the transformation of the Kenyan Judiciary in a historical and regional context.

In his inimitable way, Prof. Mazrui revisited the intellectual debates that used to take place in East African universities on key governance and public policy issues between academics and leaders – itself a reminder that that culture which interfaces public service (of which judges and magistrates are part), and academy, needs revival.

Principled discourses and disagreement on public interest issues are important in fostering accountability and enriching thought. It is only when ideas contend that knowledge thrives and society grows. ‘Development’ is a child of ideas, not thoughtlessness.