Saba Saba wrong approach to tackle national issues, say leaders

Tharaka Nithi, Kenya: Mt Kenya East leaders have dismissed the 'Saba Saba' rally saying it's the wrong approach to dealing with national issues.

The leaders who were speaking Sunday at Rubate Presbyterian Church Tharaka Nithi County said the best approach would be to table the issues in various assemblies.

The leaders said 'Saba Saba' was an event that would come and go leaving issues unsolved.

Igembe South MP Mithika Linturi said the laws in place have been created to create social order while addressing certain issues.

"We have numerous legislations in the constitution that offer procedures to addressing certain issues which not being put to use."

He said Saba Saba ideology is outdated and will not help solve any issues affecting the nation.

"We need to talk about issues but that should be done under the provisions of the constitution."

Linturi said the existing institutions should not be disqualified, adding it was unfortunate that CORD had not even given the institutions an opportunity to address their issues.

Chuka Igambang'ombe MP Muthomi Njuki shared similar sentiments, saying the day would come and pass and CORD will have nothing else to talk about.

He said leaders should aspire to unite Kenyans and give those in leadership opportunity to serve the country.

"There comes a time when the nation is more important that individuals and this is the time."

Senator Lenny Kivuti called on CORD leaders to table their issues in the National Parliament, Senate or in the County Assemblies saying this was the proper way that will solve the issues at hand.

He said the leadership structures have been established by the law to offer opportunity to national issues.

"CORD should identify the problem then offer suggestions for a solution. That is the way this country will go forward."

Tigania East MP Mpuru Aburi said the most important thing was to avoid getting divided along tribal lines.

"When one gets sick and needs medical assistance immediately, they do not choose the doctor who will attend to them."

Aburi said the same should be applied in all spheres of life. Aburi who is the only elected CORD MP in the region said he was in the opposition but was not against the government.

He said Raila should calm down and Uhuru should be open minded to accept dialogue.