Ruto launches Riruta-Ngong' commuter railway line project

President William Ruto launches the Riruta-Ngong' Commuter Rail Line at Ngong', Kajiado County yesterday. [PSC, Standard]

President William Ruto has said the government is expanding the Nairobi commuter railway services to address traffic congestion in the Nairobi Metropolitan area.

The President said the project will give Kenyans affordable and reliable transport solutions.

He noted that the government has secured funds for the revitalisation of transport infrastructure projects in Nairobi, among them the Riruta-Ngong’-Kiserian-Ongata Rongai commuter rail.

“This rail has the capacity of transporting 10,000 people every day, thereby reducing traffic congestion on our roads,” said Ruto.

The president said the rail would reduce the cost of transport within the city by half, contributing to the overall reduction in the cost of living.

“We are reducing the cost of transport in addition to reducing the cost of food and housing to reduce the cost of living,” he said.

He made the remarks on Friday during the launch of the construction of the 12.5 Kilometre Riruta-Ngong’ Commuter Rail line that will run through Riruta, Karen, Bulbul and Ngong’ stations.

The Head of State said the rail will be completed within eight months.

Present were Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen, Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku, MPs and MCAs. The President said the government is implementing such projects to create jobs for the youth.

He said the government will also construct affordable houses in Ngong’, aiming to generate additional opportunities for the youth.

“As we speak we have 120,000 youth working in various affordable housing projects across the country.”

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said implementation of infrastructure projects will facilitate movement of people and goods, thereby opening up the country for business.

Mr Murkomen said the construction of the Bus Rapid Transit will resume in January next year to complement the rail system. 

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