DPP asks Koome to hurry probe in Brian Mwenda's suspected theft identity case

Brian Mwenda.[Courtesy]

The Director of Public Prosecutions Renson Ingonga has directed the Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome to speed up investigations into a suspected case of identity of theft by Brian Mwenda.

Mwenda is accused of impersonating a city lawyer. He is said to have used credentials of a lawyer working at the office of the Attorney General to gain access to the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) portal where he registered for a law practicing certificate.

In a statement, Ingonga condemned Mwenda's act saying that what he did poses a threat to legal practice and access to justice.

"In response to the increased cases of this nature, I have directed the Inspector General of the National Police Service to undertake expedited comprehensive investigations in respect of the case of identity theft of the said Brian Mwenda with the view to possible prosecution upon criminal culpability being established," read Ingongas' statement.

On Friday, LSK also asked the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to arrest Mwenda, who it believes has been masquerading as a lawyer and representing clients in court.

The Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU) however came to his defense saying that he should not be condemned for practicing law without the traditional law qualifications and license.

According to Atwoli, if it is true Mwenda has been practicing law and successfully representing clients in legal matters, "then his knowledge, skills, and competencies in the field of law should not be ignored."

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