Central Video of the year Kareh B during Pulse Music Video Awards at Panari Hotel. [Wilberforce Okwiri,Standard]

Just a week after Kareh B graced our screens on the KTN Art Of Living Show with her radiant spirit, the world tilted on its axis as news spread of her son’s tragic accident. The disbelief was palpable, the shock echoing through every heart touched by her story. We extended our deepest condolences, hoping against hope that amidst the storm, Kareh B would find the strength to rise again.

Here is a glimpse of the house tour before the tragedy that befell Kareh B and her family.

When I first stumbled upon KarehB Kikuyu’s covers on social media, I was immediately captivated by the sheer brilliance of her voice. Each note seemed to weave a spell, sending shivers down my spine and leaving me utterly entranced.

It was evident that she wasn’t just another talented individual; she was a true visionary in her craft.

As a seasoned actor, prolific songwriter, and electrifying Mugithi live performer, she effortlessly wore many hats, each one adding depth and dimension to her artistry.

At the helm of Kareh B Entertainment Ltd, she not only commanded the stage but also nurtured budding talents as a dedicated vocal coach.

Venturing into her home on the outskirts of Nairobi felt like stepping into a sanctuary of creativity and inspiration. Surrounded by the crisp, fresh air, it became clear why she chose to reside away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

As she graciously welcomed me and my crew into her space, the layout and design of her home struck me with delight.

The expansive windows flooded the room with an abundance of natural light, creating a bright and airy atmosphere that felt invigorating and rejuvenating.

The harmonious blend of grey and white hues adorning the walls exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, mirroring the grace with which she conducted herself.

It was a testament to Kareh B impeccable taste and attention to detail, reflecting the same meticulous care she poured into her craft.

The interior design decorator ingeniously selected her favourite art piece within the house and used it as the cornerstone to craft a cohesive and captivating theme.

Drawing inspiration from the art piece’s colours, mood, and style, the decorator skilfully curated the entire space around its essence.

Each element, from furniture to accents, was carefully chosen to harmonise with the art piece, resulting in a space that not only showcased the artwork’s beauty but also exuded a harmonious and cohesive ambience throughout.

Kareh B, also known as Mary Wangare’s story is from grass to grace, her first home had a mattress on the floor and she eventually worked with a carpenter who made a seat.

When she ushered me to her living room, it was spacious and again the layout stood out.

Her recliner sofa set, enveloping like a warm embrace, made a bold statement while ensuring utmost comfort. The sink-in feature of the sofas was a testament to their cosy allure.

Inspired by Pinterest, her dining area boasted chic grey seats and a perfectly fitting bench, curated to perfection.

Entrusting her inspiration to a talented furniture artiste, she was astounded by the impeccable outcome, and I can vouch for the enchantment of her dining furniture.

The focal point of her décor was an ingenious blend of textured grey and white paper, emanating a mesmerising 3D effect that captivated all who beheld it.

Adorning the walls were pencil portraits, meticulously chosen to complement the colour palette.

One portrait, in particular, held a striking resemblance to her late sister, Winnie Mukami, the esteemed former TV news anchor, leaving me in awe of the uncanny resemblance and the depth of personal significance it held.

The bedroom enveloped in cream and brown hues exuded an air of refined elegance, with the majestic giraffe art piece serving as its captivating centrepiece.

Gazing at the intricacies of the artwork, I couldn’t help, but marvel at the beauty of the graceful creature it depicted.

Her vanity mirror and exquisite cabinet commanded attention with their impeccable craftsmanship and timeless allure.

“I challenged my interior designer to capture the essence of the art piece adorning the wall,” Kareh B said with a hint of amusement.

The expansive windows, framing picturesque views, added a touch of grandeur to the already stunning design of the room. Meanwhile, her fashion-forward closet, adorning one side of the room, showcased her impeccable taste and curated collection of attire.

Adorned with accolades befitting her status as an award-winning artiste, the bedroom served as a testament to her talent and dedication.

- Watch Art of Living every Thursday 8 pm on watch this impeccable episode on KTN YouTube channel.

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