Nakuru County Assembly Budget Committee chair Joel Karuri during a past session in February 2020. [File, Standard]

Seventy per cent of Nakuru County’s next financial year's budget will be spent on recurrent expenditure while the rest will go towards development. 

This is according to the 2020/2021 Fiscal Strategy paper tabled at the County Assembly.

Joel Karuri, the County Assembly Budget Committee chair said the paper has been committed to various House committees for review.

"After reviewing the paper, we shall subject the budget to public participation after which it shall be returned to the Assembly for approval. We are determined to have the budget passed within the constitutional timelines," Mr Karuri said.

In the fiscal strategy paper, the county government estimates its budget at Sh14.5 billion out of which Sh10.1 billion will go towards recurrent expenditure and Sh4.4 billion is for development.

In comparison to the current financial year, the budget has dropped by Sh6.8 billion from Sh21.3 billion.

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