Seven feared dead in Hells Gate floods tragedy


By Antony Gitonga

Seven church members are feared dead after they were swept away by flash floods in a gorge in Hells Gate National Park in Naivasha.

Forty others, from PCEA Mukara church in Dagoreti Nairobi escaped death by a whisker during the late afternoon incident.

The seven were in a group of 47 youths from the church who had visited the renowned park when the incident occurred.

One body was recovered while five others could be spotted but due to darkness and the high levels of the water affected the recovery efforts.

According to Naivasha senior D.O Michael Kioni who was on the scene, the group had visited the park for an outing before tragedy struck.

He said that for the better part of the day, nearby areas of Maella had experienced heavy rains which led to the flash floods.

"There were heavy rains in Maella and Ndabibi and the gushing waters found their way inside the gorge where the group was," said Kioni.

Kioni added that 40 members of the church members managed to escape while the seven who included three ladies were washed way.

"We have so far recovered one body, five have been spotted floating in the waters and we are still searching for the other one," he said.

He said that rescue operations had been halted due to the water levels and darkness adding that the other church members were safe though shaken.

Speaking on phone, Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) communication manager Mr Paul Odoto confirmed the fate.

"We had some visitors in the park but as they were walking along the gorge there were flash floods which washed away seven church members," he said.

"We have so far recovered one body while the search for the other bodies will continue during daylight."

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