PLO: Why we’re unable to curb hi-tech crime


Lack of a forensic laboratory is hampering the war on corruption, the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission has said.

Director PLO Lumumba said a forensic laboratory could help resolve many white-collar corruption cases.

He said fast changing trend of crimes in the society calls for modern forensic investigation facilities.

Citing document examination procedures at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Prof Lumumba said the equipment used is outdated.

"We rely on CID to examine documents, but the technology they use belongs to museums in other countries. We don’t have the technology to match the current crimes," said he.

He said Kenya is incapacitated in dealing with cyber crime but expressed hope the situation will improve.

He also said better training of journalists on the issue of corruption would equip them to fight the vice well.

He said most journalists are not conversant with pertinent issues of corruption.