New effective, affordable HIV drug welcome

Dolutegravir (Photo: Courtesy)

Besides the stigma associated with being HIV positive, the cost of managing HIV infections has been quite high. As a consequence, many people who would be with us today are long gone.

But while sensitisation has helped many in understanding HIV and allowing the infected to come to terms with their conditions, there has always been the feeling more needed to be done to help sufferers.

It came as a relief when the government undertook to provide free drugs to registered individuals but, sadly, at some point, the drug supply faltered.

This meant those on drugs had to find ways of getting them on their own, but the drugs are expensive. A two month dose of the drug Efavirenz, despite the numerous side effects, is said to cost Sh12000. This is way above what many poor Kenyans can afford.

The introduction of the new generic drug, Dolutegravir, at the much cheaper cost of Sh414 per month is welcome relief for those who had given up hope.

The drug is further reputed not to have side effects like the other drugs that have been in use, and it is relatively smaller and easy to swallow.

The fight against AIDS should be stepped up even as sensitisation campaigns are stepped up to encourage people to adopt responsible behaviour that would put further infections ta bay.

The new drug, in addition the pre exposure drug recently introduced, will go a long way in managing infections.