St. Francis Catholic church witnessed rare miracle after communion wafer started gushing blood

Utah, USA: A church has claimed a communion wafer has suddenly started spurting blood in what some have called a miracle.

Parishioners of St. Francis Xavier Church in Salt Lake City, Utah, claim the host bled for three days after it was placed in glass of water.

Now news of the 'miracle' has reached the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City which is investigating the incident.

The bread, which Catholics believe to be transformed into the body of Christ during Mass, was returned by a member of the congregation during communion.

Because it had already been consecrated, the priest could not discard it.

Instead he placed it in a glass of holy water in which it was meant to dissolve so the water could be poured down a special sink.

But, three days later, the host was still intact and had started oozing what looked like blood.

Word spread and the church became packed with people wanting to witness what they saw as a miracle.

The Salt Lake City Diocese, which has taken possession of the host, has appointed a committee to look into the incident.

The head of the committee, Monsignor M. Francis Mannion said in a statement: "Recently, reports of a bleeding host at St. Francis Xavier Church in Kearns have been circulating within the diocese.

"Monsignor Colin F. Bircumshaw, Diocesan Administrator, has appointed an ad hoc committee of individuals with various backgrounds to investigate the matter.

"The work of the committee is now underway.

"The results will be made public.

"The host is now in the custody of the Diocesan Administrator.

"Contrary to rumor, there are NO current plans for public exposition or adoration.

"Whatever the outcome of the investigation, we can use this time to renew our faith and devotion in the greatest miracle -- the Real Presence of Jesus Christ that takes place at every Mass."

The results of the investigation will be made public when it is complete.