Online blocking made easier

While surfing the Internet, you might have met individuals known as 'Internet trolls'. They tend to be disrespectful or share information that is provocative, obscene or ignorant.

Generally, trolls start arguments that might not be your cup of tea. Normally, it is tiresome and impossible to block them because they are many.

Often accused of failure to help users deal with harassment on its platform, Twitter has upped its efforts and added new tools to make it easier for users to block a handful of characters simultaneously.

This recent update also enables people to share lists of users they have blocked and make them available to others.

The update is an expansion of Twitter's existing mute and block tools which they hope will improve users' experience.

This latest update will be notably useful for users who are usually subjected to online harassment.

Now, instead of each user manually blocking each account, someone can share a list of accounts and other users can block the complete list with a single step. This process can be easily followed by the platform users from Twitter's main settings menu.

Recently, Twitter updated its harassment reporting tools; added features that facilitate reporting threats to police and ensured its policies to explicitly address violent threats and pornography are up to date.

This latest feature has already been rolled out to some users  and Twitter says it will be available to all its users in the coming weeks.