National Land Commission to investigate Kengen land deal

NAIVASHA, KENYA: The National Land Commission (NLC) has now summoned senior Kengen officers over the controversial acquisition of 3,000 acres from Ng'ati farmers’ co-operative in Naivasha.
The commission said that it has started investigations as to how the power generating company acquired the land and if all the due process was followed.
The move comes barely a day after the CS for Internal security Joseph Nkaissery revoked the acquisition of the 3,093 acres located around Narasha area.
Nkaissery noted that the deal was shrouded in controversy and underhand deals noting the members of the land buying company were short changed.
The CS further directed Rift Valley CID boss to seek the five directors of the land buying company to record a statement on how the deal was carried out.
And in the new development, the NLC chairman Mohammed Swazuri said that it was evident that the directors of the land buying company had conspired with Kengen to sell the land.
Speaking in Naivasha, Swazuri said that they would seek to know if valuation was done, mode of payment and who was paid.
"We are seeking to know the total amount paid as they is controversy of the real amount and exactly who bought the land in question," he said.
The chairman said that they had the original list of 581 members adding that they would expose the over 200 illegal members added to register.
Swazuri called for patience adding that they would make sure that all the land conflicts in the volatile area were fully resolved.
"This crisis has affected even learning in this area and hence the need to seek a lasting to this Maella problem," he said.