March to Your Victory

To conquer Jericho, Joshua and his men of war had to march around the wall of the city once a day for six days and the seventh day march seven times then blow the trumpets.

I am sure the Canaanites inside the wall of Jericho dismissed them as crazy noisy people with nothing to do.

I am sure they were laughing and mocking them, they would see the vanity of their deeds and never felt threatened by any means by these warriors with no weapons of war, seven priests bearing seven ram’s horn and the ark.

They went their business hoping Joshua and his team would be restored to sanity and walk away.

The seventh day when the wall came down, the Canaanites got to know that Joshua was not mad. That his team wasn’t high on a foreign substance and that indeed God of Israel was on their side.

I see people marching around their own walls of Jericho, going over the same things over and over yet nothing happens.

Years pass by and nothing gives yet they keep on keeping on, I do not JUDGE. I do not belittle, demean or mock them in their situations.

In fact, God has taught me through my own journey to observe and learn, mostly encourage them to have faith.

An elderly woman walking barefoot, selling carrots door to door, sweat dripping from her temples down her cheeks, forcing a friendly customer’s service smile through her lips as she exchanges ten Kenyan shillings for her already packed carrots is marching around her walls of Jericho.

 A man pushing a mkokoteni heaped with heavy potato bags maneuvering through the crowd, his muscles tight, veins almost popping out of his skin is marching around his wall of Jericho.

I am sure when the Israelites were marching around, probably singing and praising the Lord, maybe smiling as a show of boldness, most in the hidden residence of their hearts were wailing and mourning asking God why?

Why they couldn’t attack normally as warriors do. Why they should march and not just draw the swords as soldiers do.

Why go for six days marching once a day, and seven times on the seventh day? You know, why God uses some of these strategies that sometimes appear silly to the world.

God is a Master of Psychology. He puts us through a process to uproot what is evil within our system that we acquired through worldly systems, and build in us a fortress that is unconquerable when evil tries to make a comeback.

This ‘breakdown’ process is painful and most of the time seems hopeless but as you keep marching back and forth, as you go out in the morning, come back in the evening and the same happens the following day, know the wall of your Jericho are about to come tumbling down.

Resistance is breaking, rebellion is fleeing away, curses are being removed, everything within you and around you that has held you back in life is being done away with, with every step that you make. Each footstep counts!

Every day, you draw closer to claiming your stolen inheritance from the enemy’s camp, you are very close to getting rid of those that hold your inheritance illegally.

Your adversary will be moved away so that you step into what was meant to be yours from the very beginning.

The six days of marching around your wall could be six years, but your seventh year of the wall coming down is near.

The idea here is to keep on walking, keep on praising and keep God closer, Joshua had the Ark of the Covenant with him that represented God.

The time is coming when it is time to draw out the horns, blow them and once done, your wall will be done away with for life, you will enter into your destiny and whatever the enemy had stolen from you will be restored in full.

Every day as you walk to town, in your house, in your field of work, anoint your feet every morning and declare that this is another day to conquer my Jericho, today might be the day the wall is coming down. Keep on keeping on.