Corruption, a Beast That is Slowly Lowering Kenya to an Early Grave

Kenya is a great nation once known far and wide for its vibrations in assorted classes ranging from social all the way to economic diversities. It is a nation that was once worth emulating by many in the continent and around the world. From Atlanta to Sydney, Poland to the south, small and the mighty once knew Kenya as an impressive nation when it comes to positive advancements.

All was well until a swine of ‘kitu kidogo’ perfected mostly by men and women in uniform found its way into this great nation. Through the soft breeding it was accorded, the once known kitu kidogo tremendously evolved and eventually graduated to a bigger mania, kitu kubwa. The beast was blissfully embraced by the lords of fraud and it firmly developed its roots in the East African nation probably first tasting its effectiveness with the Goldenberg scandal.

The result was magnificent and those who were still ‘living in denial’ quickly revived and perfected the act. A once African powerhouse is now on the verge of collapsing thanks to the high prevalence rate of economic crimes and corruption in its soil. It is an act that is now threatening to ride our beloved country to an early economic grave!

Recently, Kenya was ranked the third most corrupt country in the world! The audit firm conducting the survey found that Kenya beat the rest of the world in economic crimes such as embezzlement, bribery and procurement fraud. This proved beyond doubts that most Kenyans are now becoming experts in stealing, whining and perpetuating tribalism.

It is a nation that has become a bandit economy where corruption has pervaded all levels of society. With the entry of the former Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission Director Patrick Lumumba into office, hopes of bringing the culprits into books and ending the menace once and for all were elevated among the citizens. Unfortunately, this didn’t live to see the light of the day.

Former head of judiciary, Justice Willy Mutunga also tried his best to wipe out the peril to little success. Despite judiciary being an independent body his efforts were confined by the mighty in the society and also putrid forces within the judiciary itself.

The fight against corruption in Kenya has taken a new weave. If you have money, you have your way! Over the years, those who are considered mighty and influential and happened to have been associated with corruption and embezzlement of public funds have been playing cat and mouse games with the courts. Compared to the petty offenders who are jamming our prisons in large numbers, the rich and mighty are just walking free and continue farting on our struggling economy.

This comes amid growing public anger over the wanton theft of public resources following revelations over the loss of Sh791 million at the National Youth Service. The dust is not even settled on how the government spent the Sh250 billion it raised from the Eurobond and another Sh5billion Mega scandal at the ministry of health is already taking shape!

They robbed us when we were healthy, now they are following us to our hospital beds to make sure we suffer forever. What a shame! The recent remarks by our President Uhuru Kenyatta that appeared to suggest he has lost hope in war against corruption clearly depict the desperate state of the government in fighting corruption. In his statement, Uhuru said that he was frustrated and placed the blame on authorities and personalities including Auditor General Edward Ouko.

Though it’s unfair to paint the whole government with a bad reputation because of some few disintegrating individuals, there is no booming government anywhere in the world that is completely governed by the corrupt and has lived to thrive. A corrupt government in many instances leads to a number of facts that socially and economically violates human rights.

 But who is to be blamed? In this case the first blame goes to the decision makers who have the roles of safeguarding the interests of the citizens regardless to whether they were elected or nominated into the positions since they made an obligation to the people. These decision makers influence the needs of people but unexpectedly they have been bribed and their integrity compromised.

 It is high time Kenyans take full responsibility of their country and destiny. War against corruption should not be in any case politicized or take an ethical dimension but instead those involved exposed and carry their own crosses.

Some factors should be considered if we are to suppress corruption;

 1. Compliance certification. The integrity act to be imposed immediately with laws, guidelines and penalties

2) Progressive monitoring and evaluation in the ministry by anti fraud by observing spending through internal audits

3) Early response to potential corruption dealings 4) Vetting of high officials before taking oath and after

5) Introduce culture of integrity. Let every citizen feel responsible and set clear agenda for the future of the country that every citizen will be committed to

6) Make already existing bodies do their constitutional duties.

Finally Lee Kuan Yew said “I cannot be corrupt and if ever am corrupt it’s your job to get rid of me!” The president should on his side take a bold political step and fire all those big cartels in government who have been associated with corruption. The spaces he recently created in our prisons are still vacant and should be promptly filled up less his ambitions of re-taking the next government are short-lived.

Punda Amechoka.