COVID-19: It is time for philanthropic entities to confirm their mettle

The government, both at national and county levels, has called for financial and technical support from corporate and individual philanthropists to complement its fight to COVID-19. True to the clarion call, many corporate and goodhearted well-wishers, including some well-meaning politicians, have come forth and made an appreciable donation.

These bequests, if put into intended use, should be a vital step in bridging the resource and other necessities, especially to the health care capacity as well as vulnerable groups in society. The conspicuously missing are betting and gaming entities that, in the past, have publicly declared their existence pegged on charitable and associated initiatives.

Besides the legal requirements, it behooves them to re-prioritize and re-channel their charitable allocations to government and/or directly to the impoverished at this critical phase since the advent of coronavirus.

A structured response is also important in view of identified hotspot areas as well as varying needs that pervade the infected and affected. A start would be a proper mapping of the needs, fair and just identification of potential beneficiaries to such a kitty.

Much as there is already a Response Fund set up, the voice of the givers is needful in the whole hog in the identification, prioritization of target recipients. The players in the gaming industry and other public and private corporate nodding the noble intervention would together come and agree on the priorities for support and subsequent modalities and then would pool resources for a greater and sustainable impact. This would achieve much-needed synergy and coordination that is essential in navigating crises.

The aid from varied quarters is much more than a contribution as is also an implicit gesture of appreciating the front line officers that are usually on the risk edge and have put their all in the fight.

Kenyans have shown the spirit of togetherness and sympathy in the past national calamities, for instance, as was the case of “Kenyan for Kenya’ course during the drought plight. On the same wavelength, the call can be opened up to all Kenyans where one and all would contribute to their abundance.