Interesting facts about MP aspirant born on 7/7/77

 Dr Ancent Kituku, is an independent candidate in the Kangundo parliamentary seat race. Today being July 7,2017 is Dr Kituku's birthday having borne 1977.

Sabasaba means more to him as he seeks to be the 7th member of parliament for Kangundo constituency.

His supporters have been heard saying the number 7 could mean luck to the aspirant as it has been associated with favourble outcomes and situations even biblically. 

This elections year ends with the same number.

In a chat, a number of his supporters appeared having realised the independent candidate'S birthday recorded as 7/7/77 but the parliamentary seat is getting inches away from adding another 7 to his life records.

Dr Ancent Kituku is a medic and has been a lecturer as Mount Kenya University's school of medicine.

He is said to be having blessings from key Ukambani leaders.