Behaviour of politicians ahead of polls revolting

My late father went to Busia to vote in the late 1970s but it was still some days before the elections. He later narrated how he survived an attack. Election violence in Kenya is as old as independence.

Many politicians avoid reality by using euphemisms and aversion techniques, which intentionally colour and cloud reality. It is a false presentation of the facts guided by an agenda to increase or decrease the significance of an issue.

Election violence in Kenya is as old as independence. Many politicians avoid reality by using euphemisms and aversion techniques, which intentionally colour and cloud reality. It is a false presentation of the facts guided by an agenda to increase or decrease the significance of an issue.

It is a false presentation of the facts guided by an agenda to increase or decrease the significance of an issue.

It is a communication technique used to mislead others by intent. Political figures are people who are involved in influencing public policy and decision making.

This includes people who hold decision-making positions in Government and people who seek those positions, whether by election, inheritance, appointment, conquest or other means. Politics is not limited to governance through public office.

Political offices may also be held in corporations. This results in unprecedented hate. A pig that is used to wallowing in the mud looks for a clean person to rub against.