
A research by the Lancent medical journal said that About two-thirds of young Chinese men become cigarette smokers who start smoking at a very young age.

I t is alleged most people start smoking because the tobacco industry allure of increasing sales by crafting appeals based on themes of independence, glamour, sophistication, sexuality, and social acceptance.

This has made many young people associate with smoking so that they can fit in a society where almost everybody is a smoker.

This habit has caused so many death and they have been warned against the habit because there are fears that this habit will lead to more death in the coming years.

It has been also discovered that the young people learn this smoking habit from older people because they think it is a good thing to do.

Most young when they become bored they feel that they need to do something new that will excite them and in most cases, smoking becomes an option.

The need for people to fit in a given group makes some of the people to become smokers especially if the people they are hanging with are smokers.So company greatly influence these people to smoke.

Owing to the fact that most people claim that there is a lot of stress in this era.Some take cigarette as a means of relaxation.According to them, it calms down their mind.

Another group of people says that cigarette smoking makes one feel warm.So during cold seasons they really smoke to keep warm